
Focuses On Dignity

And Quality Of Life In Denton.

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Holding Hands Hospice is a trusted provider of premiere hospice services in Denton, Texas. We are a local agency solely dedicated to caring for the terminally ill and their families in their own homes. Our hospice professionals showcase genuine compassion and excellent understanding of the condition of our patients regardless of the complexity of their care. We utilize best care practices, strategies, tools, and methodologies so that patients live meaningfully during the last phase of their lives. 

A young woman is holding the hands of an older woman.

Who is Holding Hands?

Our relentless pursuit of excellence awarded us the reputation of one of Denton, Texas's most dependable hospice care providers. Deeply rooted in our mission to meet and exceed the hospice needs of our patients and their loved ones, we at Holding Hands ensure quick responsiveness, skilled care, and unmatched support that patients with life-limiting illnesses need amid difficult times. Our interdisciplinary team of physicians, nurses, home health aides, and counselors takes a holistic approach in caring for patients, considering their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs to enrich their lives. 

Here at Holding Hands Hospice, our interdisciplinary hospice team consists of knowledgeable, dedicated professionals with advanced knowledge, training, and expertise in hospice care and management services. After conducting a thorough assessment, our staff designs a customized hospice care plan to address the unique needs of every patient. From crisis care, home care, respite care, pain management, medication management, and grief programs, you can rest assured that Holding Hands strategically develops a holistic care plan so that patients enjoy a higher sense of wellness while being cared for in the comfort and familiarity of their own homes. 

Our Denton Hospice Services

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Crisis Care

Our hospice care providers design a short-term continuous care plan to alleviate uncontrolled symptoms in times of crisis quickly, such as severe pain, bleeding, acute respiratory distress, nausea, and vomiting caused by their terminal illness are managed promptly by our hospice nurses in Denton, TX. 

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Nurses | Home Health Aides

Our certified hospice nurses and home health aides in Denton, TX,  work under the direct guidance of physicians to ensure timely, efficient, and quality care interventions are  rendered to our hospice clients at home. We provide high-touch support, ensuring the smooth delivery of a patient-specific plan of care.

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Respite Care

Caregiving for a terminally ill patient is stressful as long-term feelings of exhaustion and frustration can result  in reduced quality of care for hospice patients. Our hospice professionals step in for brief periods to provide respite care while caregivers take much-needed time off to care for their individual needs.

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Home Health Care

We supply our hospice team in Denton with all the tools and resources to provide the highest level of care wherever a hospice client calls home. Our Denton hospice team will create and implement a strategic care plan that involves frequent visits that allow us to manage symptoms and avoid acute crises. 

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Assisted Living

While assisted living facilities in Denton, TX provide residential and custodial services for independent living, our hospice care service on the other hand focuses on delivering essential end-of-life needs. Our hospice care duties are unique yet complementary to those rendered to patients at assisted nursing facilities. 

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Medication Management

Our hospice care experts in Denton ensure timely and safe pain and symptoms management to ensure our patients' quality of life is maximized. We maintain compliance by documenting effectiveness, side effects, and medication interactions which allows us to make further improvements in our patients’ care plans.

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Pain Management

Our pain management service focuses on providing effective palliative care to improve the quality of life of our clients with life-limiting conditions. Rather than treating the illness, we help prevent or relieve the physical and emotional pain and suffering through various pain relief modalities and interventions.

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Medical Equipment

We provide sturdy medical equipment  and hospice supplies to hospice clients in their homes. Our medical equipment technicians in Denton, TX, deliver and install the necessary medical equipment and supplies promptly including wheelchairs, hospital beds, toileting equipment, bedpans, and many more. 

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Grief Programs

Our grief support specialists help bereaved loved ones through the grieving experience. We teach skills in processing feelings and find ways to cope with a terminal diagnosis and losing a loved one through individual, family, and group therapies and find the support to lead grieving loved ones to move forward in a positive direction.

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Do You Need a Hospice Service for Your Loved One Here in Denton?

We Are Here To Help Our Patients & The Families In This Difficult Situation

Contact Us Today!

Dependable Hospice Care Provider In Denton, Texas

An elderly woman wearing glasses and a floral shirt is sitting in a garden.

Holding Hands Hospice compassionately delivers hospice services for anyone requiring hospice care and support in Denton, Texas. As a reputable hospice provider, exceptional care is our hallmark, as shown by the great attention, respect, and empathy we provide during our home visits. We will always strive to help our hospice patients retain their dignity and independence through every stage of their journey. 

Because our patients are unique, we customize hospice care to match our patients’ specific needs. At Holding Hands Hospice, our hospice care prioritizes not only comfort and physical needs but also the emotional, social, and spiritual needs of patients. Our hospice professionals in Denton will always be there for you before, during, and after the needs of hospice care. If you or a loved one is requiring hospice care, kindly fill out the form here. Our staff will contact you as soon as possible to answer your inquiries. 

Common Denton Hospice Questions

Below are some answers to commonly asked questions.

  • What is hospice?

    Hospice focuses on providing care primarily in the patient’s home. Its primary aim is to improve the quality of life among patients diagnosed with a life-limiting illness. Hospice neither hastens nor postpones death; instead, it puts a high value on patients' comfort, dignity, respect, and wishes.

    Hospice is not a place but a plan of care for patients with incurable medical conditions. An interdisciplinary team made up of physicians, nurses, home health aides, volunteers, social workers, and counselors work closely with patients to create a unique care plan to ensure their quality of life. Hospice care professionals are trained to address issues most critical to the patients’ medical, emotional, social, psychological, and spiritual needs to live their lives entirely without pain until the end of their lives.

    Hospice care includes the services:

    • Nurse and home health aide visits
    • Medical equipment and supplies
    • Medication for pain and symptom management
    • Respite care for patients at home, hospital, or nursing home
    • Crisis management for severe symptoms
    • Grief programs and follow-ups for bereaved loved ones
    • Assisted living visits
    • Crisis care
  • Who qualifies for hospice?

    Hospice patients and families receive care for an unlimited amount of time, depending on the course of illness. Holding Hands Hospice does not set a fixed limit on care duration that a patient may continue to receive hospice services in Dallas. In most cases, patients under hospice care are given a six-month prognosis or less. In essence, a patient who agrees to receive our hospice care in Dallas primarily to enhance comfort rather than curative interventions.

    However, our hospice care in Dallas doesn’t end after six months. Some patients may live well beyond their prognosis, which means a plan of care may continue if the attending physician certifies a patient's eligibility, and the patient wishes to continue receiving hospice care service and not curative treatments.

  • Is hospice care just for elderly?

    No. Our hospice care in Dallas is provided to anyone with a life-limiting condition, regardless of age.

  • Is it true that if patients agree to obtain hospice care in Dallas, they must stay under hospice care until their death?

    False. Our hospice care in Dallas is all about living. Holding Hands Hospice aims to improve patients' quality of life and comfort under our hospice program. In some cases, patients will feel better while receiving our excellent pain and symptom management services.

    Private insurers and Medicaid agencies provide hospice care coverage if a doctor determines their terminally ill patient has six months or less to live. Patients under our hospice care program in Dallas willingly agree to receive care and comfort support. If a patient’s illness improves or if a patient decides to seek curative treatment, he or she may leave our care at any time. Consequently, patients may also return to receive hospice care treatment whenever they wish to.

  • Does your hospice provide constant care?

    Our hospice care in Dallas involves periodic visits from physicians, nurses, home health aides, and other interdisciplinary team members. There are instances wherein we provide 24-hour care for patients suffering from severe pain and acute symptoms. Family members and private caregivers mainly provide care support.

  • Can a patient receive hospice care if they live in a nursing facility, assisted living facility, or other types of long-term care facility?

    Our hospice services in Dallas are provided to a terminally ill patient regardless of where they live. Patients living in nursing homes assisted living facilities or any other long-term facility will receive specialized visits from our team of hospice care nurses, health aides, social workers, and volunteers. A written agreement between our organization and care facilities will state that our team will provide care for a resident in their facility.

  • Does insurance cover hospice?

    Private insurance companies and HMOs offer hospice benefits. Medicare for individuals age 65 years or older receive hospice benefits. A person with a prognosis of six months or less will receive full Medicaid benefits if they wish to participate in the Texas Medicaid Hospice Program. Under this program, patients electing hospice care agree to waive their rights to other Medicaid services that include treatments to cure their terminal illness. Consequently, patients may still receive other forms of treatment that are not related to their terminal medical condition.

  • Can pain and symptoms be managed at home?

    Yes. Our hospice care service in Dallas can control pain and other symptoms in the patient’s home. In case a symptoms/s becomes worse, family or caregivers may reach our hospice nurse 24/7 to provide acute care management. We use advanced and effective care strategies to alleviate pain and control symptoms for our patients. We carefully assess patients' pain and symptoms during visits and introduce a care plan that enhances their comfort and quality of life. Our hospice physicians are responsible for prescribing and adjusting medications based on the needs of our patients.

  • Does hospice provide support to the family after the patient dies?

    Yes. We provide grief programs to family members and caregivers following a patient’s death. Our hospice care grief service in Dallas includes personal visits, education about the grief process, and periodic group support sessions. We also provide referrals to other professional assistance when needed.

  • Does insurance cover hospice?

    Hospice, including all costs associated with medications, therapies, and care support, are covered by Medicare, Medicaid, and most individual insurance providers as part of hospice benefits. Medicare for

    individuals age 65 years or older receive hospice benefits. A person with a prognosis of six months or less will receive full Medicaid benefits if they wish to participate in the Texas Medicaid Hospice Program. Under this program, patients electing hospice care agree to waive their rights to other Medicaid services that include treatments to cure their terminal illness. Consequently, patients may still receive other forms of treatment that are not related to their terminal medical condition.

    While our hospice care services in Dallas do not cover full-time caregiving, it can lighten the financial burden on families and caregivers, who may otherwise need to pay out-of-pocket for medications and other treatments required by patients.

A group of elderly people are smiling for the camera.

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