Pain Management

pain management

Here at Holding Hands Hospice, we offer comprehensive and individualized pain management service for patients suffering from terminal illnesses. As one of the most reliable hospice providers in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, we carry out our ethical responsibility to alleviate pain and the suffering it causes to our patients using the best pain management modalities. Being compassionate patient advocates, Holding Hands Hospice guarantees access to effective pain relief interventions wherever a patient calls home. 

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A young woman is holding the hands of an older woman.

Why Holding Hands pain management Services?

We believe that an effective pain management strategy improves the quality of life. Chronic pain that is common among terminally ill patients causes not only physical pain but also emotional and psychological distress. Hence, we develop an individualized plan that includes medications, modalities, and therapies geared towards alleviating pain, whatever the cause may be. At Holding Hands Hospice, we strive to provide superior quality care to patients, enhancing their comfort at the end-of-life where it matters most. 


Our team of hospice professionals in Dallas is familiar with the duties and responsibilities to provide optimal care and comfort for patients experiencing pain. We align our beliefs with the highest standards of hospice care to successfully minimize suffering and maximize comfort. We closely work with patients, families, and caregivers to assess the level of pain and promptly implement pain management strategies resulting in immediate relief. Our hospice care team also provides counselling and emotional support to help patients overcome pain at all levels. 


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Dallas pain management Services

An elderly man is sitting on a couch with a cane and a nurse is standing next to him.
  • Pain relief medications deliver effective relief from pain. We use pain medications in conjunction with other end-of-life treatments for more remarkable results. Depending on a patient’s condition, we assist in the correct and safe administration of over-the-counter and prescription pain medications. 

  • Physical therapy is a valuable source of pain relief among patients with life-limiting illnesses. Our hospice care professionals work one-on-one with patients to facilitate exercises and rehabilitation strategies to ease pain, enhance comfort, and improve range of motion. 

  • Nerve block injections are administered to getting rid of pain at the source. Our hospice nurses ensure safe administration to prevent side effects and adverse reactions. 

  • We educate and instruct patients and families about complementary therapies to alleviate pain. Deep breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, aromatherapy, reflexology, and mindfulness are non-pharmacological strategies that help people manage pain and cope with a terminal condition. 

  • Heat and cold therapy to ease mild to moderate pain. 

  • Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation relieves pain by delivering gentle electric pulsing to areas that experience pain.

DO YOU Need HELP WITH pain management Services IN THE DALLAS AREA?

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Dependable pain management Services

A doctor is giving an older man an injection in his arm

At Holding Hands Hospice, our vision is to provide excellent pain management service so that our patients can have the very best care at the end of their lives and proper support for their loved ones. No matter where the pain originates or how severe the pain may be, you can trust our hospice care team in Dallas to assist you. We offer a wide range of pain relief solutions, including medical, physical therapy, IV therapy, and complementary pain relief treatments to successfully manage the pain of terminally ill patients while they remain in the comfort of home, surrounded by friends and family. 


Get reliable home pain management care from our compassionate hospice professionals at Holding Hands Hospice. To learn more about our Dallas hospice services, kindly complete the form below or call our direct line today.

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